Ts. Othman Abdullah

Chief Executive Officer, Islamic Finance Silverlake Axis


Ts. Othman bin Abdullah is the CEO, Islamic Finance, at Silverlake Axis, a global financial technology and digital economy solutions provider. He also doubles up as the CEO of Silverlake Symmetry and Technology Research.

In addition to his executive role at Silverlake Axis, Ts. Othman sits on the board of Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad as an Independent Non-Executive Director. He chairs Board IT Committee and a member of Board Audit, Board Risk and Board Nomination and Remuneration Committees.

Ts. Othman is a certified professional in both Islamic finance and technology. He is a chartered member (CPIF) of Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance Professionals and a recognized professional technologist by the Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT). He has over 25 years of experience in the digital economy and financial technology sector with emphasis on IT solution implementation and transformation services and has engaged with countless number of financial institutions in Asia, Middle East and Africa.

Ts. Othman holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA and a Post Graduate Diploma and Master of Science in Islamic Banking and Finance from the International Islamic University of Malaysia. He is also a proud recipient of the Certificate of Premier Business Management Program from Harvard Business School as well as Certificate of Islamic Finance Leadership Program from Cambridge IF Analytica. Currently, he is pursuing a PHD at University Sains Islam Malaysia.

Ts. Othman writes regularly and has contributed his articles and thoughts to various publications. Ts. Othman has also been invited to speak on fintech, digital banking and digital economy at conferences and seminars as well as television programs. He was honored with the “Upcoming Personality Award” at the Global Islamic Finance Award (GIFA) 2017 held in Astana Kazakhtan and was also recognized as one of the 500 who make Islamic Economy globally by ISLAMICA 500 2019.